Credit Scoring and FICO® Scores Video
30 Minute CSG Video, watch on your phone, tablet or computer.
You may know nothing about credit scoring. Or, more likely, much of what you know is wrong. You'll learn how the system really works and how to establish and maintain high credit scores to achieve your financial goals and dreams. Information that will last a lifetime.
Banks and mortgage brokers hire us to teach their staff. Credit Security Group is the only company in the country that teaches this information to its clients.

Become the Expert of Your Credit Report
One-on-one with your Credit Analyst.
You'll understand the terms and concepts as your Analyst goes over your credit report, line by line. This can be a surprising experience.
What you thought was killing your score may not be hurting much if at all – and what you thought was a little thing may be what is really holding you back.
You'll become the expert of your own credit file, score and borrowing power – a skill that will serve you and your family in the future.
How to Get There from Here
Next, you and your Credit Analyst go back over your goals and how to achieve them.
Whether you've just been turned down for a mortgage loan, you're starting out as a family and have bad credit, or you want to prepare for your dreams, the Credit Security Analysis is the best, proven, tool to take you from where you are to where you want to go.

Educate yourself and talk to an expert – before you pay a credit repair company.
No Risk, 100% Money Back Guarantee
Unconditional, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.
Credit Security Analysis Guarantee
If you don’t think your Credit Security Analysis was worth the price, we will refund 100% of your payment.