“huge weight which has been lifted off me”

I wanted to write you and convey my sincerest thank you for the assistance you provided me in my credit situation. I was referred to you by my loan officer whom has been trying his hardest to get me a loan in order that I could get out of my debt situation.

Unfortunately, I had one mark on my credit history which was causing headaches in what was otherwise an excellent credit history. He had been trying for several weeks to no avail. Then he called early today and advised how he heard you had helped another person with credit problems and since he was having no luck in getting anyone to help us, he gave you a call.

As promised by my loan officer, you called shortly thereafter. I immediately could tell that you were truly interested in me and my particular situation. I wasn’t just another “credit problem” but was treated as your “only” customer – like I was a family member you were trying to help.

I greatly appreciated that.

While discussing my situation with you, we were able to find something about the “credit black mark” which gave us hope this could be resolved in my favor. Following our discussion and using your guidance as to how to handle the situation with this particular credit card company, I called them.

Not only did I get my “black mark” removed, I was promised a letter to my loan officer on Monday.

Now I should be able to secure the loan which will help me overcome the mistakes I have made and get back to that excellent credit score I have carried for nearly all my credit life. This is huge weight which has been lifted off me. I will continue to work at the hints you provided to keep my credit score high and avoid falling into the traps which got me here.

You will absolutely be recommended by me to any friend and family who may find themselves one day in this place where I am trying to escape. Again, my family and I thank you.


Craig F.